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Facility Rentals
The College is an institution that is free from bias and discrimination and as such, has policies and procedures that are applicable to everyone. As outlined in our Community Access Policy and Facilities Use Procedures, we cannot consider requests until the College’s academic calendar, final class schedules and student activities schedules have been confirmed. Academic needs, approved student activities, and other College-sponsored events have priority in determining the availability of College facilities.
Any person(s) and/or organization whether ‘for or non-profit’ must provide a certificate of insurance naming Camden County College as ‘additionally insured’ and list in the description: ‘Certificate Holder is included as additional insured for use of premises on xx/xx/xxxx’.
Additionally, to ensure our spaces are clean and free of debris, all events will incur a charge for porters; at times, the charge will cover services before, during and after an event. Lastly, to ensure the safety of your guests, all events will incur a charge for the presence of public safety.
Catering services are provided at Camden County College through an exclusive contract with Sodexo Campus Services. Sodexo is the third largest food service contractor on college campuses in the nation bringing a broad wealth of knowledge in catering to meet the needs of individual guests. You may reach Sodexo at sodexo@wakeikyo.com or 856-374-4965.
Blackwood Rentals
Teresa Pepe
856-227-7200, ext. 4514
Camden City Rentals
Seth Dasta
856-227-7200, ext. 1279
Camden Conference Center
Seth Dasta
856-227-7200, ext. 1279
Regional Emergency Training Center (RETC)
Rosalina Rodriguez
856-227-7200 ext. 4986
Cherry Hill (William G. Rohrer) Rentals
Andrea Tomkinson
(856) 874-6000
Danielle Blanco, General Manager
Debra Reynolds, Dining Manager
(856) 374-4965
We realize you have many choices where to host your event, and appreciate your consideration of Camden County College.